Actualités sur les expériences exceptionnelles
> Nouvelle étude sur une illusion du type OBE
> Nouvelle étude sur une illusion du type OBE
La reve Consciousness and Cognition vient de publier un article de psychologie expérimentale sur une illusion s’apparentant aux expériences de sorties hors-du-corps. Cette illusion est générée en fournissant des informations tactiles et visuelles contradictoires à un sujet, lui donnant l’illusion que son corps (qu’il peut voir via un système de réalité virtuelle) se trouve à un autre endroit que ce qu’il perçoit. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’illusion donne non seulement au sujet l’impression de se trouver à un autre endroit, mais lui donne aussi l’impression qu’il est ’désincarné’ (c’est-à-dire qu’il a l’impression que son corps, qu’il voit, ne lui appartient pas).
Under normal circumstances, we experience that our center of awareness is located behind our eyes and inside our own body. To learn more about the perceptual processes that underlie this tight coupling between the spatial dimensions of our consciously perceived self and our physical body, we conducted a series of experiments using an ‘out-of-body illusion’. In this illusion, the conscious sense of self is displaced in the testing room by experimental manipulation of the congruency of visual and tactile information and a change in the visual perspective. We demonstrate that when healthy individuals experience that they are located in a different place from their real body, they disown this body and no longer perceive it as part of themselves. Our findings are important because they reveal a relationship between the representation of self-location in the local environment and the multisensory representation of one’s own body.
Points-clés :
► We study body disownership and self-location during the out-of-body illusion. ► Illusory changes in self-location were associated with body disownership. ► Reveals a relationship between multisensory body representation and self-location.
Référence :
Arvid Guterstam, H. Henrik Ehrsson, Disowning one’s seen real body during an out-of-body illusion, Consciousness and Cognition, Available online 28 February 2012, ISSN 1053-8100, 10.1016/j.concog.2012.01.018.